Photo from kimmisk

“Something for Everyone” 

opens December 12 at Lost & Foundry

Facebook event here:

You are invited to “Something For Everyone,” at Lost & Foundry Studios 305 Center Street, Oakland, CA, on December 12th 5­-7 PM. SFE is a group show of work by 10 artists living and working in the Bay Area.

The show consists of painting, sculpture, illustration and photography. Viewers will find mixed media paintings and drawings in which the natural world emerges on a micro and macro level. Landscapes and objects, familiar and abstract materialize from assembled scraps of fabric, wood and paper. Other work explores the psyche and narratives through paintings, ink drawings and photography. 
Featured Artists:

Lost & Foundry Studios and Gallery is a 15,000 square foot facility that contains work space for 11 artists and a gallery. The mission is to maintain a space where creative freedom can be pursued on an individual and collective level. L&F aims to provide a cultural base for the members by hosting exhibitions for themselves and colleagues to provide a bridge between artists and the communities they live and work in.

Many of the Lost & Foundry residents will have their studios open for viewing during the event.